Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae

David George Mullan

Citizenship      British and Canadian


22-20 Ironwood Point

St Albert, Alberta  T8N 6C7


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BEd Queen’s University 1989

PhD University of Guelph 1985

Thesis: ‘Episcopacy in Scotland: The History of an Idea, 1560–1638’

Supervisor: Professor E. J. Cowan

External examiner: Dr. Maurice Lee, Jr, Rutgers University

Thesis grade: Distinguished

ThM University of Toronto 1982

Thesis: ‘Roger Williams and the Elect Nation: The Theological Critique of a Religio–Cultural Myth’

Supervisor: Dr. John W. Grant, Emmanuel College

Thesis grade: 84%

BD University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand 1975

BA University of Calgary 1972

Major: History

Status: With Distinction


  1. Books written

Narratives of the Religious Self in Early–Modern Scotland. Farnham: Ashgate, 2010; reprint Abingdon: Routledge, 2016.

Scottish Puritanism, 1590–1638. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.

Episcopacy in Scotland: The History of an Idea, 1560–1638. Edinburgh: John Donald, 1986.

  1. Books edited [sources]

Protestant Piety in Early–Modern Scotland: Letters, Lives, and Covenants, 1650–1712. Edinburgh: Scottish History Society, 2008 [2001 series volume].

Womens Life Writing in Early Modern Scotland: Writing the Evangelical Self, c.1670–1730. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2003.

Religious Controversy in Scotland, 1625–1639. Edinburgh: Scottish History Society, 2002 [1998 series volume].

Religious Pluralism in the West: An Anthology. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1998.

Book edited [essays] with Crawford Gribben, Literature and the Scottish Reformation. Farnham: Ashgate, 2009.

Shorter piece edited [manuscript]

Mistress Rutherfords Conversion Narrative. Scottish History Society, Miscellany xiii. Edinburgh: Scottish History Society, 2004, pp. 146-88.

Refereed journal essays and chapters

‘Select Scottish Catholic Responses to Reformation Teachings’, in Ian Hazlett (ed.), Companion to the Scottish Reformation (Leiden: Brill, 2021).

‘Scottish Theology from the Rise of Protestantism to the Revolution’, in Ian Hazlett (ed.), Companion to the Scottish Reformation (Leiden: Brill, 2021).

‘Robert Bruce, William Cowper, and John Forbes of Alford’, in Ronald K. Rittgers and Vincent Evener (eds), Protestants and Mysticism in Reformation Europe (Leiden: Brill, 2019), 409-428.

‘Federal Theology in Scotland from the Reformation to c.1677’, in David Fergusson and Mark W. Elliott (eds), History of Scottish Theology, 3 vols (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019), 225-237.

‘Martin Luther in nineteenth-century France’. Journal of Religious History, 38 (2014), 499-515.

‘The Dialectics of Protestantism in nineteenth-century France’, The Catholic Social Science Review, 16 (2011), 213-28.

‘Writing the Scottish Reformation’, in Crawford Gribben and David George Mullan (eds), Literature and the Scottish Reformation (Farnham: Ashgate, 2009), pp. 21-44.

‘Parents and Children in Early Modern Scotland’, in Elizabeth Ewan and Janay Nugent (eds), Finding the Family in Medieval and Early Modern Scotland (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008), pp. 73-83.

‘A Hotter sort of Protestantism? Comparisons between French and Scottish Calvinisms’, Sixteenth Century Journal, 39 (2008), 45-69.

‘Scottish Women’s Religious Narrative, 1660-1720: Constructing the Evangelical Self’, in Sarah Dunnigan, C. Marie Harker, and Evelyn Newlyn (eds), Woman and the Feminine in Medieval and Early Modern Scottish Writing (London: Palgrave, 2004), pp. 178–91.

‘Women in Scottish Divinity, c.1590-c.1640’, in Elizabeth Ewan and Maureen Meikle (eds), Women in Scotland, c.1100-c.1750 (East Linton: Tuckwell, 1999 [repr. 2002]), pp. 29-41.

‘The Royal Law of Liberty: A Reassessment of the Early Career of John Glass’. Journal of the United Reformed Church History Society, 6 (1999), 233–62.

‘Mistress Rutherford’s Narrative: A Scottish Puritan Autobiography’. Bunyan Studies, 7 (1997), 13–37.

‘Masked Popery and Pyrrhonian Uncertainty: The Early Scottish Covenanters on Arminianism’. Journal of Religious History, 21 (1997), 159–77.

‘Arminianism in the Lord’s Assembly: Glasgow, 1638’. Records of the Scottish Church History Society, 26 (1996), 1–30.

‘Theology in the Church of Scotland 1618–c.1640: A Calvinist Consensus?’ Sixteenth Century Journal, 26 (1995), 595–617.

‘“Uniformity in Religion”: The Solemn League and Covenant (1643) and the Presbyterian Vision’, in Later Calvinism: International Perspectives. Ed. W. Fred Graham (Kirksville, Missouri: Sixteenth Century Studies Society, 1994), pp. 249–66.

  1. Book reviews

The Clergy in Early Modern Scotland, edited by Chris R. Langley, Catherine E. McMillan, and Russell Newton. Church History, 91 (2022), 402-404.

Andrew Melville (1545-1622): Writings, Reception, and Reputation, edited by Roger A. Mason and Steven J. Reid. American Historical Review, 121 (2016), 316-17.

Defending the Revolution: The Church of Scotland 1689-1716, by Jeffrey Stephen. Church History, 84 (2015), 249-51.

Culture of Controversy: Religious Arguments in Scotland, 1660-1714, by Alasdair Raffe. Scottish Studies Newsletter, no. 41 (May 2013), 46-8.

Andrew Melville and Humanism in Renaissance Scotland, by E. R. Holloway and Humanism and Calvinism, by Steven J. Reid., February 2013.

Keeping Faith, Losing Faith: Religious Belief and Political Economy, eds Bradley Bateman and H. Spencer Banzhaf. Journal of Markets and Morality, 13 (2010), 241-244.

Politics or Religion? The Reformation in Perth, 1540–1570, by Mary Verschuur. Sixteenth Century Journal, 39 (2008), 838–39.

The Religious Culture of the Huguenots, 1660–1750, ed. Anne Dunan–Page. Sixteenth Century Journal, 39 (2008), 766–67.

Memoirs of Isaac Dumont de Bostaquet, ed. Dianne W. Ressinger. Sixteenth Century Journal, 39 (2008), 224–25.

Enforcing Reformation in Ireland and Scotland, 1550–1700, eds Elizabethanne Boran and Crawford Gribben. Sixteenth Century Journal, 39 (2008), 138–40.

Jane Leade: Biography of a Seventeenth–Century Mystic, by Julie Hirst. Church History, 76 (2007), 185–86.

The Souls of Purgatory: The spiritual diary of a seventeenth–century Afro–Peruvian mystic, Ursula de Jesús, translated, edited, and with an introduction by Nancy E. van Deusen. Sixteenth Century Journal, 38 (2007), 599–600.

John Calvin and the Printed Book, by Jean–François Gilmont, trans. Karin Maag. Sixteenth Century Journal, 38 (2007), 588–89.

Scottish Communities abroad in the early modern Period, edited by Alexia Grosjean and Steve Murdoch. Sixteenth Century Journal, 37 (2006), 1101–1103.

Sacraments, Ceremonies and the Stuart Divines: Sacramental Theology and Liturgy in England and Scotland, 1603–1662, by Bryan D. Spinks. Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 54 (2003), 377–78.

Government by Polemic: James I, the Kings Preachers, and the Rhetoric of Conformity, by Lori Anne Ferrell. Scottish Historical Review, 79 (2000), 117.

Politics, Religion and the British Revolutions: The Mind of Samuel Rutherford, by John Coffey. Review of Politics, 62 (2000), 531–33.

Soldiers, Writers and Statesmen of the English Revolution, eds Ian Gentles, John Morrill, Blair Worden. Canadian Journal of History, 34 (1999), 448–50.

The Scottish Regency of the Earl of Arran: A Study in the Failure of Anglo–Scottish Relations, by David Franklin. Sixteenth Century Journal, 27 (1996), 1166–67.

Scottish Church History, by Gordon Donaldson. Scottish Tradition, 14 (1986–7), 58–59.

Other reviews

2019    review of essay manuscript submitted to Church History

2019    review of essay manuscript submitted to Journal of British Studies

2019    review of essay manuscript submitted to International Review of Scottish Studies

2008    review of essay manuscript submitted to Journal of British Studies

2007    review of essay manuscript submitted to History

2007    review of essay manuscript submitted to Renaissance and Reformation

2006    review of book manuscript submitted to Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at Arizona State University

2006    review (twice!) of book manuscript submitted to South Carolina University Press

2002    review of essay manuscript submitted to Journal of British Studies

2001    review of essay manuscript submitted to Review of Politics

Articles for Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias

The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Early Modern Women’s Writing, Editors-in-Chief: Patricia Pender and Rosalind Smith, on-line, to be completed in 2023 (to be printed at an indeterminate date).

1,000-word biographies on self writers Jean Collace, Marion Veitch, and Henrietta Lindsay

The Edinburgh History of the Book in Scotland, 4 vols, vol. 1: Medieval to 1707, eds Alastair Mann and Sally Mapstone (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, forthcoming). Articles on:

9.1. b)      Scripture and Liturgy, 1560-1707

9.2. b)      Theology, sermons and controversy, 1560-1707

The New Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Women, eds Elizabeth Ewan, Rose Pipes, Jane Rendall, and Siân Reynolds. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2018.

Mistress Rutherford                                        Bessie Clarkson

Margaret Mitchel                                            Helen Alexander

Katharine Collace (Mistress Ross)

The Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Women, eds Elizabeth L. Ewan, Sue Innes, Siân Reynolds, and Rose Pipes. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2006. Articles on:

Mistress Rutherford                                        Bessie Clarkson

Margaret Mitchel                                            Helen Alexander

Puritans and Puritanism in Europe and America, eds Francis Bremer and Tom Webster, 2 vols. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC Clio, 2006. Articles on:

John Knox

John Cameron

Robert Howie

Solemn League and Covenant

National Covenant

Westminster Confession

Westminster Assembly

Roger Williams

Westminster Catechisms

David Dickson

George Downham

John Forbes of Alford

Richard Harris

Adam Martindale

International Puritanism

Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, eds Colin Matthew and Brian Harrison. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. Articles on:

William Annand [secundus]

Archbishop Alexander Burnet

Bishop William Cowper

Robert Fleming [primus]

John Forbes of Corse

Bishop Patrick Forbes

Bishop William Forbes

John Gordon

Bishop Patrick Scougal

Archbishop James Sharp

Readers Guide to British History, ed. David Loades. London: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 2003. Articles on:

National Covenant; Books of Discipline; Episcopalianism, Scottish

Other research, not refereed

’The Early History of St Mary’s Polish Parish, Sydney, Nova Scotia’, 1999 (unpublished).

Career Description

        Student Awards

–Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada doctoral fellowship, 1982–1984

–Ontario Graduate Scholarship, 1981–1982

     Teaching experience

Substitute teacher in the Sturgeon Public School Division

September 2020-December 2022

2020-2021      48.5 days

2021-2022    140    days

2022, September to December      xxx days

Supply teaching in eastern Ontario  April-June 1989

assistant (1989)/associate (1992)/professor (2002), history and religious studies, University College of Cape Breton (tenured 1992), now (25 February 2005) Cape Breton University

–Western Civilization, Reformation and 17th–century Europe, England and Scotland 1500-1700, history of Christianity, religious pluralism, modern revolutions

Retired 31 December 2016

Professor emeritus 2018-

Research visits

2023–Paris [4 weeks]

2015–Paris [9 weeks]

2014–Paris [9 weeks]

2011–Paris [9 weeks]

2010­–Paris [2 weeks]

2009–Montpellier [2 weeks]

Paris [4 weeks]

2008–Paris [2 weeks]

2007–Edinburgh and London [10 days]

2006–Washington, DC [1 week]

Edinburgh [1 week]

2005–Atlanta [1 week]

Paris [6 weeks]

Edinburgh [2 weeks]

2004–Paris [3 months]

Edinburgh [2 weeks]

2003–Paris [6 weeks]

2002–Edinburgh [2 months]

Calgary [5 weeks]

2001–Edinburgh [6 months]

2000–Calgary [1 month]

1999–Edinburgh [5 months]

1998–Edinburgh [5 months]

1997–Ontario unis. [5 weeks]

1996–Edinburgh [5 months]

Guelph [10 days]

1995–Edinburgh [7 months]

1994–Guelph [10 days]

Toronto [2 weeks]

1993–Edinburgh [4 months]

1992–Guelph [1 week]

Yale [10 days]

Edinburgh [1 month]

1991–Calgary [4 months]

Non-Stipendiary Research Fellowships

Visiting Research Fellow, Faculty of Divinity, New College, University of Edinburgh

2001, April–June

Visiting Research Fellow, Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, University of Edinburgh

1998, April–August

1996, April–August

1995, April–November

Visiting Research Fellow, Calgary Institute for the Humanities,        University of Calgary

1991, May–August

Research Awards

RP Grant, Cape Breton University, spring 2015                                                       $ 8,000

RP Grant, Cape Breton University, spring 2014                                                       $ 8,000

RP Grant, Cape Breton University, fall 2009                                                                                                           $ 3,222

RP Grant, Cape Breton University, spring 2009                                                       $ 7,000

RP Grant, Cape Breton University, 2006                                                                                                               $ 1,832

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, 2005-2008             $56,216

RP Grant, University College of Cape Breton, 2004                                                     $ 1,000

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, 2002-2005               $32,760

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, 1998-2001               $26,400

University College of Cape Breton, April 1991-April 1997                                      $16,810

Other Academic Activities


     Papers and public lectures

Federal Theology from the Reformation to c. 1677. History of Scottish Theology Conference, Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, NJ, 12 November 2016.

Vincent Audin (1793-1851), Ultramontanist Historian. Society of Catholic Social Scientists, Steubenville, OH, 24 October 2015.

Looking for Martin Luther in nineteenth-century France. Society of Catholic Social Scientists, New York, 26 October 2012.

The Dialectics of Protestantism in nineteenth-century France. Society of Catholic Social Scientists, South Bend, 22 October 2010.

The Autobiography of an Academic Career, 1995–2008. Sabbatical Seminar, Cape Breton University, 8 February 2008.

Writing the Scottish Reformation, 1560–1700. Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, Atlanta, 24 October 2005.

Huguenot Religious Narrative in International Perspective. Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, Toronto, 29 October 2004.

Writing Women and Feminine Spirituality in early–modern Scotland. Mystical Manuscripts, St. Hilda’s College, Oxford, 22 May 2004.

Women, Gender, and the Politics of Writing: Religious Autobiography in early modern Scotland. Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, 13 January 2003.

The Scholarship and Perils of Editing. Sabbatical Seminar, University College of Cape Breton, 5 November 2002.

The Bible, Men of God, and Scottish Writing Women: Masculinity and Imagination in Constructing the Evangelical Self, 1660-1725. Kalamazoo Medieval Congress, May 2002.

The Unknown Feminine World of Early Modern Scottish Prose: Writing the Evangelical Self, 1660-1724. Institute for Historical Research, University of London, 30 October 2001.

Inventing the Evangelical Self: Scottish Womens Self-Writing, 1660–1730. Ecclesiastical History Seminar, New College, University of Edinburgh, 10 May 2001.

Scottish Womens Writing. With Elizabeth Ewan, Sarah Dunnigan, and Evelyn Newlands. Attending to Early Modern Women. University of Maryland, 10 November 2000.

The Early Modern Scottish Family as seen in the Literature of Religious Autobiography. Scottish Studies Colloquium, University of Guelph, 14 October 2000.

Religious Autobiography in Scotland. Faculty seminar, University College of Cape Breton, 4 February 1999.

Logos and Mythos: The Lords Supper in 17th–Century Scotland. Sixteenth Century Studies Society Conference, Toronto, 22 October 1998.

Early Scottish Autobiographies and the Formation of Puritan Community. Sixteenth Century Studies Society Conference, Atlanta, 24 October 1997.

Mistress Rutherford and her Autobiography. UCCB Sabbatical Seminar. 13 February 1997.

Women in religious discourse: Scotland, 1600–40. Sixteenth Century Studies Society Conference, St. Louis, 24 October 1996.

Covenanting in Scotland 1556–1730: Traditions and Critics. Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, University of Edinburgh, 2 November 1995.

Arminianism in the Lord’s Assembly: Glasgow, 1638. Scottish Church History Society, New College, University of Edinburgh, 31 October 1995.

‘The feeling spiritual: Covenanting piety 1600–1640. Ecclesiastical History Seminar, New College, University of Edinburgh, 26 October 1995.

John Glass: early career and intellectual heritage. Scottish History Seminar, University of Glasgow, 24 October 1995.

A complex metaphor: covenanting in Scotland 1556–1638. Scottish History Seminar, University of St. Andrews, 12 October 1995.

The problem of religious pluralism in the west: Philosophical and historical perspectives. Faculty seminar, University College of Cape Breton, January 1995.

Theological dimensions of the Scottish National Covenant. Sixteenth Century Studies Society Conference, Toronto, October 1994.

The doctrine of religious intolerance according to the early covenanters. Sixteenth Century Studies Society Conference, St. Louis, December 1993.

Arminianism and the early covenanters. Sixteenth Century Studies Society Conference, Atlanta, October 1992.

The early covenanters and religious toleration. Calgary Institute for the Humanities, July 1991.

Reforming bishops and the Scottish Reformation. Guelph–Waterloo Consortium on Reformation Studies, November 1984.

‘P. S. Tell my Indian friends I love them: Roger Williams and the American Indian. Guelph-Waterloo Consortium on Reformation Studies, October 1981.

Other conference activities

Organized session entitled ‘New Perspectives on the Scottish Reformation’, at Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, Atlanta, October 2005.

Organized two sessions on Scottish history for Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, Toronto, 28–31 October 2004. Chaired session entitled ‘Early Developments in Scottish Protestantism’.

Organized four sessions on Scottish history for Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, Toronto, 22–23 October 1998. Chaired session entitled ‘The Reformation in Scotland’.

Chaired session entitled ‘The Secularization of Medicine’, at Medicine, Science and Enlightenment 1680–1789, Edinburgh, 13 August 1998.

Organized session entitled ‘Scottish Reformed Piety and Practice’, at Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, Atlanta, 24 October 1997.

Organized session entitled ‘Women in Scotland 1450–1650’, at Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, St. Louis, 24 October 1996.

Other scholarly activities

I have been consulted by a number of post-grads in Scottish history, both in Canada and the UK.

2011 and 2012            member of a SSHRC doctoral fellowship committee

2005–6, 2006–7          member of an evaluation committee, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

1998                            anonymous reviewer of a research grant proposal submitted to SSHRC

Institutional involvements

2014—2015 Member, Senate

2013—2014 Member, Student Success Committee

2008—2011 Member, BA Committee

2007—2010 Member, Research Assistance Committee

October 2000–April 2001; January 2002-April 2003 Member, Academic Council; member of Academic Committee, then of Nominating Committee; chair, Planning and Priorities Committee

October 2000 Sub-committee on Religious Studies

November 1999–June 2000 Secretary, School of Arts and Letters

November 1996 Library Advisory Committee

September 1996–March 1998 Chair, Department of History and Fine Arts

June 1994–April 1995 Chair, Department of History and Fine Arts

June–December 1994 Grievance and Appeals Committee

June 1994 Member, bylaws committee, Peer Review Committee

June 1994–April 1995 Member, Peer Review Committee

June 1994 Member, Dean Search Advisory Committee, School of Arts and Letters

September 1993–September 1994 Member, Academic Council

September 1993–November 1993 Member, Steering Committee of the Strategic Planning Process

September 1991–September 1993 Member, Committee on Studies

September 1989–June 1992 Secretary, Department of Humanities

Institutional award

President’s Award for Excellence in Research, Cape Breton University, 4 April 2014

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